

In a world where smiles shape destinies, clear aligners emerge as silent heroes, offering a revolution in dental care. These transparent, removable trays replace traditional braces, bringing freedom, confidence, and a harmonious smile. With each subtle adjustment, they guide teeth on a transformative journey, unveiling the true beauty of self-expression. Join the countless individuals embracing this extraordinary adventure with Alidon Teeth Aligners, where innovation and artistry unite to create a masterpiece—the perfect smile.

What are Alidon Teeth Aligners?

Alidon Teeth Aligners are a specialized form of orthodontic treatment that focuses on more than just straightening teeth. Unlike traditional braces or clear aligners, Alidon takes a holistic approach, aiming to address the underlying causes of misalignment and poor oral habits. These orthodontic appliances are designed to promote proper jaw development, improve breathing, and optimize facial muscle function.

Alidon Smile Aligners and Retainers comprise a series of removable oral appliances made from medical-grade TPE material. They have to be worn for 2-3 hours during the day and overnight for best results. Through consistent use, they gradually retrain the oral muscles and guide the teeth into proper alignment.

The primary objective of the Alidon Smile Kit is to tackle common issues like crowded teeth, crossbites, and mouth breathing, often associated with incorrect tongue posture and swallowing patterns. By encouraging correct tongue position, promoting nasal breathing, and engaging the oral muscles in a balanced manner, Alidon Smile Aligners contribute to enhanced facial growth and development, resulting in a more harmonious and functional smile.

Furthermore, Alidon aligners also incorporate exercises and activities that help individuals improve oral posture and cultivate healthy habits. These exercises may involve specific techniques for breathing, tongue placement, and lip strengthening.


How does the Alidon Aligner Kit work?

The Alidon teeth aligner kit is a comprehensive corrective orthodontic kit consisting three treatment phases. In this section, we will discuss each treatment phase and how it helps with teeth and jaw shape correction.


Phase 1

The first phase consists of the Stage 1 aligner, which is designed to gradually correct mild to moderate teeth misalignment. The Alidon Stage 1 aligner is crafted to adapt seamlessly to the shape of your mouth, offering the perfect starting point for those seeking to embark on their teeth-straightening journey.

This stage is designed to guide your teeth towards proper alignment, resulting in a well-aligned, straight smile, and enhanced jawline definition.

These aligners have to be worn for 8 hours while you sleep and 3 hours during the day. Since these aligners are removable, you have the flexibility to use them whenever you want according to your daily schedule. These aligners gradually transform your smile before your eyes in 2 to 3 months.

The aligner exerts gentle pressure on the teeth, transferring force to the jaw, which initiates tooth movement. It simultaneously allows your facial muscles to settle into their new position, helping with jaw definition.


Phase 2

Once you have finished Phase 1 with our Stage 1 aligner, it is time to take your smile to the next level by embarking on Phase 2 of the treatment with our medium-strength Stage 2 mouthpiece.

This phase focuses on locking the progress made during Phase 1 and ensures the success of your transformation. The teeth continue to move into the desired location with the Alidon Stage 2 mouthpiece. This universal mouthpiece is designed to fit adult teeth.

These aligners also position your tongue at a higher level and move your lower jaw ahead into a natural position with it's unique design. This helps free up your airway by reducing obstruction, ensuring you breathe through your nose. It reduces the problem of snoring and facilitates better sleep. Alidon promotes your tongue to be in touch with the roof of your mouth, facilitating the mewing technique. This ensures your facial muscles are more defined and encourages your mouth to close more properly, ultimately helping you achieve a more defined jawline.

You will have to wear the Stage 2 mouthpiece similar to Stage 1; that means wearing it every night and 2-3 hours during the day for efficient results.


Phase 3

In the final phase of your smile aligner kit, Alidon Stage 3 takes centre stage to solidify the shape and ensure precise alignment of all your teeth. This pivotal stage plays a crucial role in teaching your teeth their long-term position, ensuring lasting straightness and stability. With its universal fit, designed for a standard adult size, Alidon Stage 3 continues to deliver a comfortable and effective aligning experience.

Let Alidon Stage 3 be the finishing touch, providing the ultimate assurance that your smile remains beautifully aligned for years to come.

The entire treatment can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months depending upon the complexity of your case. It is always advisable to consult a dental professional to get a deeper insight towards your misalignment.


What dental problems can be treated by the Alidon Smile Aligner Kit?

If you have mild to moderate teeth misalignments like mild spacing, crowding, or crooked teeth, Alidon aligners can aid you in achieving the perfect smile. However, for more complex teeth alignment problems, you may require a more thorough approach and have to consult a dental professional who will guide you on the appropriate treatment method.

Alidon aligners also help create a barrier between your upper and lower jaw, preventing teeth grinding and jaw clenching, medically termed; Bruxism. This will relax your muscles and help alleviate painful symptoms of bruxism while ensuring you don't grind your teeth. In the long run, our retainers will ensure you don't suffer from jaw joint problems.

By positioning your tongue and lower jaw in a more favourable position, Alidon helps you breathe better through the night, thus reducing snoring.

In addition, it also helps you achieve a more defined jawline, so it's a win-win!


Who can opt for Alidon Smile Aligner Kit?

Alidon Smile Aligner Kit and appliances are meant for people above the age of 18 years and below the age of 35 years. Please note that these aligners come in a standard size and may not be appropriate for people with large aches. The guard is 5.5 cm wide (last molar to molar distance, 2.4cm in height and 4.45 cm in length. It is advised that you measure your arch before buying the aligners. 

Alidon aligners are meant to be used by adults who have good oral health and no oral diseases or infections. If you have tartar deposits or suffer for any gum issues and dental cavities, it is highly recommended that you consult a dental professional. 


Benefits of Alidon

In addition to the wonders it performs, as discussed earlier, Alidon is also  affordable, and we also provide free shipping throughout South Africa.

Since these aligners are removable, they offer you the benefit of comfort. You can wear these aligners whenever you want as long as you are wearing them for the given duration. These aligners are comfortable and non-invasive. Unlike traditional braces, they allow you to maintain good oral hygiene, enabling sparkling teeth.


If you think you may benefit from Alidon's Smile Aligner Kit, contact us today and place your order. If you have any queries or questions, please feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be there to guide you through your journey to a breathtaking smile.

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