How It Works

How Our Universal Teeth Alignment Kit Works


What Is It

Welcome to the world of Alidon Teeth Alignment Kit, a revolutionary 3-stage appliance system designed specifically for adults seeking a straighter, more confident smile. Our kit not only applies gentle forces to gradually align your teeth but also corrects poor oral habits. This product manual will guide you through the steps to effectively use the kit and achieve a straighter, more confident smile.


How It Works

The Alidon Aligners correct poor myofunctional habits which are the cause of crooked teeth, while exerting a slight pressure on the teeth. This pressure gets transferred to the roots and the jaws. The pressure in the jawbone allows the sockets to move, essentially allowing your teeth to form in alignment. The unique design enables the aligners to adapt to the shape of your mouth, making initial corrections, intensifying teeth correction and jawline definition, and ensuring that your teeth begin to properly align. The use of all phases is crucial for optimum results.

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Alidon™ Teeth Alignment Kit

Helps with crooked teeth, teeth grinding and snoring.
Stage 1: Soft Stage
Establishing The Foundation

The first stage of the Alidon Teeth Alignment Kit is the Soft Stage, designed to establish a strong foundation for the alignment process. During this stage, wear the aligner for 1-2 months or until the aligner stays in place at night and nasal breathing has been established. The Soft Stage focuses on habit correction and helps your mouth adapt to the aligner tray. Gradually increase the wear time as your mouth adjusts to the tray. This stage aligns your front teeth, trains the tongue position, and the lip bumper trains the lower lip.

Stage 2: Moderate Stage
Enhancing Alignment

Once you are comfortable with the Soft Stage, you can progress to the Moderate Stage. This stage is all about enhancing the alignment of your teeth. Wear the aligner for 2-4 months during this stage. As you progress, you will notice your teeth beginning to move and align to their proper positions. The Moderate Stage uses a medium hardness polyurethane material to improve arch development. Just remember to move on to Stage 3 only after achieving all the habit correction goals set in the previous stages. This stage aligns your front teeth, trains the tongue position, and the lip bumper trains the lower lip.

Stage 3: Hard Stage
Final Alignment and Retention

The final stage of the Alidon Teeth Alignment Kit is the Hard Stage. This stage is crucial for achieving the ultimate alignment and maintaining it in the long run. Wear the aligner for 3-6 months during this stage. It provides additional alignment, retention, and final habit correction. The aligner in this stage is constructed with a firm polyurethane material to offer excellent retention. It is important to complete this stage to optimize the results and stability of your smile.

This Could Be For You

Who Is This For

The Alidon Teeth Alignment Kit is designed for individuals with slight to moderate teeth misalignment. If you have severe dental issues, please consult a dental professional for alternative treatment options.


Who Is This Not For

  • Severe open bite, severe overjet, or severe overbite
  • Tooth malocclusion requiring surgical correction
  • People with mixed dentition (both infant and adult teeth)
  • People with dental prosthetics or dental implants
  • People with active periodontal disease
  • People with active tooth decay or dental caries
  • People with missing teeth People with permanent retainers
Standard size - may not fit and be viable for large arches. Measure your own arch before buying it. The Guard is 5.5cm wide, from the last molar to molar distance.
Going Forward

General Tips

Remember, following these do's and avoiding the don'ts will help ensure a smooth and successful teeth alignment process with the Alidon Teeth Alignment Kit.
Using The Aligners
  • Ensure that you first start at stage 1 and progress to other consecutive stages before skipping to another stage. Wearing aligners in incorrect sequence can lead to ineffective treatment. Treatment time can differ depending on the biological adaptability of each person.
  • Be mindful of soft tissue irritation during insertion. If you feel discomfort, take a brief break and then continue wearing it. Over time, you'll become more accustomed to the aligner.
  • Avoid biting too tight initially. Gradually increase the strength of the bite as you progress daily. Refrain from chewing on the aligner as this could damage it.
  • Some discomfort is normal during treatment. However, if you experience sharp pain or significant discomfort, discontinue use and consult a dental professional.
  • In the initial stages, the aligner may fall out while sleeping. If this occurs, increase daytime use until you adjust.
  • In the early stages of treatment, you may experience slight tenderness in your teeth. This is normal, but if soreness becomes excessive, decrease the application time and consult with a dental professional.
happy about straight teeth because of alidon
  • Do wear the aligner as instructed by the recommended wear time for each stage.
  • Do clean the aligner regularly using toothpaste or aligner cleaning tablets. Rinse with water after cleaning.
  • Use cold or warm water when cleaning or rinsing your aligners.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush to get a more thorough clean.
  • Do handle the aligner with clean hands to maintain hygiene.
  • Do contact a dental professional if you experience excessive discomfort or have any concerns during your journey.
  • Do follow the recommended sequence of stages to ensure effective and successful alignment.
  • Store your aligners in your case.
  • Don't skip stages or progress to the next stage without completing the previous one.
  • Don't use hot water or place the aligner in the dishwasher, as high temperatures can damage it.
  • Don't chew on the aligner or subject it to excessive force, as this can compromise its effectiveness.
  • Don't share your aligner with others to maintain hygiene.
  • Don't neglect your regular dental care routine, including professional cleanings and check-ups, during your alignment journey.
Stay On Track & Aligned

Remember, consistency and patience are vital for successful transformation. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a dental professional. Let Alidon guide you on your journey towards a beautifully aligned smile.

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